Dreams Do Come True…


If I get into heaven, I imagine it will be a lot like the day I had on Wednesday.

You see, I’m in Dallas for work. And part of my job here is to help our photo stylists create this amazing collection of vignettes…rooms we build from the walls up. We’re talking furniture, flowers, huge pergolas, fake snow, living trees…it’s ridiculous and amazing…and really a lot of fun.

This morning, it was time to make the grocery run, and I eagerly volunteered. I hopped in the car with my friends and coworkers Katie and Laurel, and off we went to the Texas version of Whole Foods—Central Market. I was told it was “Whole Foods On Crack.” Turns out no truer words have ever been spoken.

When we first walked in, I almost fainted—but I managed to hold it together as we started to shop. As we carefully picked out peaches (with the leaves on!), tomatoes (on the vine—and yellow!) and currants (they actually DO exist!), I got so giddy I gave up any pretense of being a normal human being.

By the time we started pawing through the citrus (of which we filled an ENTIRE cart full), I was periodically yelping with pleasure, like a dog under the dinner table, anxiously awaiting table scraps. It was just TOO AWESOME. Look at that picture again. Look at my eyes. Ladies and gentlemen, that is textbook mania—mixed with pure, unfiltered euphoria. And a heaping tablespoon of GLEE!

Some girls dream of fantasy weddings…some boys dream of fame and fortune. I dream of gratuitous grocery shopping. And I got to do it!

By the time it was all said and done, we had five carts laden with the most wonderful things—artisan breads! Exotic cheeses! Boutique waters! Gourmet candies! And every type of produce available on Earth. I swear…my shopping cart was a culinary Noah’s Ark.

I could go on for days about the bliss. I will probably dream about it tonight. I hope I do.

But here’s what makes it even better. In addition to helping these vignettes come to life and inspire our Consultants, this food is not going to waste. The awesome folks at Central Market provide food to local homeless shelters, so they’re coming on Sunday to gather what’s still good to distribute it to those in need. And that makes my dream just perfect.

What an AMAZING day. I think you get how much fun I had.

I’m just glad I wore my Poise pad. 😉

12 Responses to “Dreams Do Come True…”

  1. Matthew Says:

    I think I will make it easier on myself and just get you a Whole Foods gift card for your birthday.

  2. Jackie Says:

    I have a pretty great deal of jealousy right now and you are so funny, I just had to read that out loud to Chad – I am crying!!

  3. Robin Hart Says:

    Oh, that is the stuff dreams are MADE of… I went in one when I was in Dallas a few years ago (to watch them beat up the GB Packers) and knew I had died and gone to heaven. The friend I was with was the same way, so we walked the store trying to figure out how to move it to CA with us. Needless to say we both needed a cigarette when we walked out.

  4. SUSU Says:

    Just got to read this today!!!!…I loved it…soooooooooooooo you!!!…I can just see you!!!…love you so much!…and what do you mean “IF” you get into Heaven!!!…it won’t be heaven if YOU aren’t there!!!…so you be sure to just give it all to Jesus…lean on him when nothing makes sense…and when everything does… do your best…and leave him the rest!!!…love you now and in heaven too!!…Susu…[mini sermon for the day!!!]

  5. Southern Hostess with the Mostest Says:

    LOVE THIS POST!!! So cool to hear of other foodies quirks and what lights our candles. Yes Poise Pads are a nessasary items for such events. Wish I had your job;)
    Lea Ann
    ATL GA

  6. josh Says:

    Thanks, Lea Ann! We appreciate you reading! Check in next week for fun drink recipes!

  7. Lu Says:

    Love it!! I’m so jealous that you actually found currants! I just thought it was an imaginary fruit. Anyway, I just found your blog through your facebook ad, don’t you love it when ads pay off? I can’t wait to read more!

  8. Carrie Rollwagen Says:

    So, if Wednesday was heaven, then Thursday was … I think you know the rest. 🙂

    The food was beautiful, though. I’ve never hauled a flatbed full of grapes around a warehouse before. And I think I ate an entire package of artisan flatbread before Kay finally caught me!

  9. Choose Your Own Adventure! « Kitchen Mischief! Says:

    […] you read the blog post about my blissful shopping spree at the Dallas Central Market, you probably won’t be surprised to […]

  10. Katie Bradford Says:

    You make me laugh even through your words!

    I love this post….that day was a blast! And at that time EXACTLY what we needed! I am so glad I got to witness one of your dreams come true in person.

    Missing you LOTS!!! Come visit us on location sometime…we will treat you to a gourmet lunch!

    P.S. Now that you are catering….want to talk about a wedding for 150?

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